Plane part

Terms and conditions

Kosova Air Transport "Kosova Airlines - KSA"

Kosova Airlines GmbH

Brandschenke Str 178

CH-8002 Zürich

Owner: Naim Ejupi

Company No: CH-

1. Jurisdiction of general business conditions

All services of KOSOVO AIR TRANSPORT "KOSOVA AIRLINES - KSA" (henceforth "Kosova Airlines") pass on only as general business conditions as follows.

Exceptions from these business conditions are valid only when made as a written agreement and are verified by us, also in written.

2. The offer and the conclusion of the contract

Offers for online booking system represent an obligatory requirement for the client. Registering via an online form of booking, the client is mandatorily bind when concluding a transportation contract to the valid conditions for transportation of "Kosova Arilines". With the acknowledgement from "Kosova Airlines" side, comes the conclusion of the contract for transportation. "Kosova Airlines" claims the acknowledgement of the booking when it sends the booking confirmation via an e-mail or upon the charging of your credit card.

3. Payment conditions

The prices confirmed during the booking period are valid. The payment is made only by a credit card acknowledged by "Kosova Airlines". After the acceptance of the booking confirmation, the price of the ticket must be paid in total and after this is done the account of the given credit card is charged with the respective amount. If the bank or the credit cards’ institute refuses the payment, "Kosova Airlines" is authorized to immediately terminate the contract and cancel the reservation. In such cases the payment for each passenger increases with the amount of 30.00 Euros, as a payment which derives from the case processing.

4.  Pledge of Confidentiality

"Kosova Airlines" guarantees full confidentiality for all the data and records received from the client.

5. Travel documents

The passenger receives the booking confirmation via an e-mail and the same will also be used as a travel ticket. Travelling without valid travel documents is unacceptable.  In cases when prior to the departure it is noticed that the passenger’s records and/or the name are not the same with the passenger's records given during the reservation procedure, then the plane tickets cannot be acknowledged as valid travel documents. Passengers with the changes made on their travel tickets/ booking numbers are excluded from the flight. They have to pay the total amount of the ticket price. In order to re-issue  the tickets which were lost or in any other cases, caused without "Kosova Airlines“ influence, we increase an amount of 30.00 Euros for each flight ticket for the case processing. Each passenger is held responsible for him/herself for meeting and fulfilling the rules for entering in other countries, for passports and for visas. "Kosova Airlines" is authorized to calculate and then to charge each passenger with all possible expenses which may derive as a consequence of noncompliance to these rules.  

6.  Change of reservation / Cancellation  

Change of reservation and changing of names can be done according to provisions and after paying a certain amount of money for the change of reservation, respectively for a cancellation. These may also be done in written even from distance, or verbally by giving the booking number one day prior to the departure day, during the working hours on phone numbers, via fax or on the address that is given on the side of the bill/booking confirmation.

Flight cancellations are made possible only by a written request form sent to the e-mail address ([email protected]) or via fax (Fax: +496925667626) on the working days until 18:00. Cancellations made on Sundays or during holidays are processed afterwards, on the first day of work. "Kosova Airlines" takes into consideration for cancellation only the day when it receives such a request for.


- 48 hours prior to the departure - 50.00 Euros for each passenger

- 24 hours prior to the departure -100.00 Euros for each passenger

- less than 24 hours prior to the departure -100% of the ticket price.

In cases of cancellations on the departure day, the total price of the ticket (100% of the price) is calculated. The total price of the ticket is calculated for not showing on the departure day. .

Change of reservations:

For the change of reservation the amount of 50.00 Euros is calculated. Apart from the amount of 50.00 Euros there is also a ticket fee applicable for the change of the date at the time when the reservation is made.

The changing of the names after the flight time and date are not accepted.

Cancellation of Onward Reservations

Please note that if you do not show up for a flight without advising us in advance, we may cancel your return or onward reservations.

7. Registration time (check-in)

"Kosova Airlines" advises the passengers to report to the respective passengers’ desk  the latest 120 minutes prior to the departure. The passengers’ preparation is completed 40 minutes prior to the departure. "Kosova Airlines" is not held accountable for any later show ups.  The passenger is solely held responsible for the plane’s arrival on time, for other inter-related flights as well as for charged services which pick up/welcome passengers.

8. Return confirmation

Every client of "Kosova Airlines" is obliged to confirm his/her planned return within 24 up to 48 hours via “Kosova Airlines” phone lines. Return confirmations can be done via phone numbers given on the ticket. If the return is not confirmed, then you are not entitled to the return flight.

9. Luggage and documents

The luggage limit for each passenger who pays (no luggage allowed for babies) is 25 kg ("Germanwings" allows only 20 kg). It is not possible to have the unused luggage passed on to other passengers.  Only the passengers, who have booked together at the same time, can have their allowed luggage limits set together.  The overweight luggage may be transported only after the foreseen payment according to the overweight luggage fees is completed. The carrying of the overweight luggage with you cannot be guaranteed. Each passenger is held responsible for him/herself for meeting and fulfilling the rules for entering in other countries, for passports and for visas. Each passenger is held responsible for him/herself for all possible expenses which may derive as a consequence of noncompliance to these rules.

10. Discounts for children and minors

Children up to 2 years old (with no rights to request for a seat) and minors aged up to 11 years old pay lower prices. The age of the children is important during the departure. "Kosova Airlines" holds the right to check the age of the children prior to the flight and to increase the respective fee.

11. Alienation

Alienation of the requests towards "Kosova Airlines" is non-effective.

12. Claims

Claims may be filed in written immediately after the flight to the following address: Kosovo Air Transporter "Kosova Airlines - KSA"


Kosova Airlines GmbH

Brandschenke Str 178

CH-8002 Zürich

13. The place of Arbitration  

The place of arbitration is Zurich.

14. Salvatorian Clause

Should any special clauses of the issued regulations become completely or partially non-effective, then the validity of the remaining regulations shall not be affected by it. The non-effective regulation shall be replaced by a regulation which with the purpose and meaning of the non-effective regulation comes closest to the legal and economical purpose of the clause.

15. Stand

These conditions are of the stand of the date 29th August 2008.